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primary school
interactive tables
electronic guide
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How to Cite

O. O. Rybalko, “THE CREATION AND USE OF INTERACTIVE SPREADSHEETS ON LESSONS OF MATHEMATICS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL”, ITLT, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 38–48, Jul. 2016, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v53i3.1373.


Relevance of the material presented in the article is due to the problem of provision of primary school educational process by electronic teaching aids. As the result of the research is the guidance of electronic textbook "Tabular adding and subtracting numbers within 10" established by college students directed by the author. The author describes in detail the possibilities of the electronic textbook, designed by Adobe Flash means. Due to the specifications of this manual a teacher gets more opportunities to fully communication with students while using this software product in comparison with classic demonstration tables and other teaching aids.
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