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web technologies
cloud services
pre-school manager
pre-school educational institution management

How to Cite

V. O. Bogdan, “USING CLOUD SERVICES BY UKRAINIAN PRE-SCHOOL MANAGERS IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY”, ITLT, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 175–186, Oct. 2016, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v55i5.1475.


The article presents the results of the survey of Ukrainian pre-school managers on their knowledge and practical experience of using cloud services in their professional activities. The survey involved 227 pre-school managers from the eight regions of Ukraine. Among others the following issues were revealed: the degree of technological provision and Internet access; frequency and general purpose of web technologies use; pre-school managers’ awareness on the concept of "cloud services", as well as their use in professional activity, etc. It was clarified that all respondents were eager to deepen their knowledge and develop skills to work with cloud services. A promising area of future researches was identified: expediency of developing methods of forming ICT-competence of pre-school managers in terms of using cloud services.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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