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engineering education
problem/project-based learning
students' workplace
NI System Identification Assistant

How to Cite

H. V. Lutsenko, “NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS SOFTWARE IN ENGINEERING STUDENTS LEARNING OF IDENTIFICATION OF AUTOMATION OBJECTS”, ITLT, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 146–161, Feb. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v63i1.1847.


The purpose of this paper is to consider the possibilities concerning the organization of learning activity of engineering students in "151. Automatization and Computer-Integrated Technologies" in the case of study of the discipline "Systems of design, identification and modelling" by using the software of National Instruments corporation. An example of using of system identification tasks as problem tasks, which are solved during the preparation of course work by engineering students, is described. The peculiarities of using of such software as NI System Identification Assistant and NI LabVIEW are also considered. The realization of procedure of parametric identification of automation objects by NI System Identification Assistant for case of data obtained with using NI virtual measurement instruments is presented in detail.
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