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information security
future teacher of computer science
cloud technologies
pedagogical experiment

How to Cite

V. P. Oleksiuk and O. R. Oleksiuk, “THE STATUS OF INFORMATION SECURITY COMPETENCE FORMEDNESS OF FUTURE COMPUTER SCIENCE TEACHERS”, ITLT, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 277–291, Dec. 2017, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v62i6.1906.


In the article there are explored the concepts of cybersecurity and information security. It is proved that cybersecurity can’t be fully ensured without teaching to principles and rules of information security. The authors have analyzed the specificity of the future computer science teachers' study in the context of developing of their competences necessary for safe students’ activity in the computer networks and Internet. Particular attention is paid to the threats arising after introduction cloud technologies various service models into the educational process. The article focuses on methods and stages of the pedagogical investigation of correlation between the operational and reflective components of the professional competencies of future computer science teachers.
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