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geoinformation system
geoinformation technology
geoinformation competence

How to Cite

A. A. Kalenskyi and V. V. Melnyk, “CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING FUTURE GEOLOGISTS PREPARATION TO USE GEOINFORMATION SYSTEMS”, ITLT, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 81–93, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v67i5.2232.


The article substantiates the criteria for assessing the preparedness of future geologists from college graduates - to use geoinformation systems (hereinafter - GIS) and technologies (hereinafter - GIT) in their future professional activities and defines the indicators of these criteria. We have proved that when purposeful implementation of the system of pedagogical conditions regarding their preparation for the use of GIS there are significant potential opportunities for geologists to form geo-informational competence in them as an integral part of their information competence as a professional subject. Proving the readiness to use GIS, taking into account the structure and content of geo-informational competence, we have taken into account the theoretical and practical aspects of their preparation. The process of mastering the complex of intellectual, activity and subjective capabilities and the formation of the main types of readiness (professional, personal, psychological) for the application of GIS in the process of realizing their competences for a specific post is described. These are the following criteria: value-motivational, professional-cognitive, technological, individual-psychological and subjective. We have proved that such a system of criteria makes it possible to comprehensively diagnose the preparedness of future geologists for the professional use of GIS in their professional activities. In particular, these criteria give an opportunity to find out their positive attitude to the chosen specialty - the geologist and to the application of GIS and GIT in the process of professional activity as a subject of geological existence; formation and development of internal motivation to master this specialty and its modern information technologies, including directly geological; the formation and development of a system of special professional knowledge, skills and abilities in many branches of science, which forms the basis of the theoretical ability of a geologist to work on modern GIS; formation and development of special practical abilities of GIT as a subject of specific - geological - being; formation of professionally important qualities and professional, informational and geoinformational - thinking of a geologist, necessary for work on modern GIS; formation the subject of geoinformation activity in the field of geology. We discovered that due to the fact that the geologist at the same time is a geological subject (in the direction of preparation), such geoinformation activities (as an expert in the field of geology) of activities, he must have formed professionally important qualities that contribute to the successful implementation of official competencies in the information society as a geological worker.
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