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“Electronic Court”
training of law students
efficiency of justice

How to Cite

O. O. Khrapenko, “USE OF THE ‘ELECTRONIC COURT’ SYSTEM IN FUTURE LAWYERS TRAINING”, ITLT, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 155–164, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v70i2.2370.


The article substantiates the necessity of introducing technological solutions into the educational process of future lawyers training, in particular, the study of the “Electronic Court” system, which has become an important step towards transformation of legal activity from the established system to the communication model, which involves de-bureaucratization and increasing the efficiency of legal proceedings. The views of domestic and foreign researchers on the informatization of society reveal numerous risks of the information environment functioning, but in no way reduce the importance of information technologies in improving state institutions. It is substantiated that legal proceedings should not be left to the side of the latest technologies, and therefore the implementation of the “Electronic Court” system is a significant factor in ensuring the accessibility, transparency and efficiency of justice. In this context, the article analyzes the stages of implementation of the e-justice system, which laid the foundations for automation and informatization of the court process and highlights their advantages. The main directions of development of the special course “Electronic Justice” for law students are presented. The division of the special course into blocks is offered: theoretical (lectures) and practical (practical and seminar classes, modeling, excursion classes – visits to judicial bodies). Lectures are offered with the use of multimedia, presentation and demonstration capabilities. As a result of lectures, students get acquainted with the work of the “Electronic Court” system, Internet resources related to the activities of courts, public registers with open access, as well as master the basic provisions of legal acts related to judicial activity. During practical classes, simulation methods are used to shape future lawyers' skills in solving practical situations that arise in the work of court staff in the context of e-justice. At the end of the course a simulation trial is proposed. It is noted that for the practical training of law students, cooperation between institutions of higher education and judicial authorities, as well as intensification of the formation of practical competency of students on the use of tools for electronic justice is important.
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