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mathematical analysis
mobile technologies
online services
methods of teaching mathematical disciplines

How to Cite

Y. V. Botuzova, “EXPERIENCE OF USING ICT TOOLS FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS TO FUTURE TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS”, ITLT, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 153–169, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v75i1.2530.


The article deals with the process of teaching mathematical analysis with the help of information and communication technologies (ICT). There are a number of problems that arise during the implementation of ICT in the process of teaching mathematical analysis, in particular: the lack of free software; the lack of students’ proper skills in using ICT; students do not always use their smartphones for educational purposes; teachers’ lack of training related to in the widespread implementation of ICT in the educational process; the lack of methodological and educational literature. The methodological approach to teaching mathematical analysis, which involves the use of ICT tools at lectures and workshops, such as GeoGebra, Maple, Wolfram|Alpha, various online calculators, MalMath mobile application, is proposed. The detailed examples of their application in the educational process are also given. The article demonstrates the using of a dynamic GeoGebra model at lectures, which, in its turn, allows carrying out a small educational experiment and illustrating the geometric content of Lagrange's Mean value theorem. It is proposed to use ICT at workshops to test independently obtained solutions, or as a means for performing intermediate computations. The examples of solving mathematical problems on the representation of a function as a Taylor series by using Wolfram|Alpha, various online calculators and Maple are also given. The expediency of using these tools for the purpose of performing the verification of independently obtained solutions is indicated. An example of using MalMath mobile application for performing intermediate computations to solve the problem on testing the convergence of the alternating series is also provided. The article presents the results of the survey of teachers and students conducted in the course of the research. There are also a number of psychological and pedagogical problems related to the use of ICT in education, namely: the impossibility for the teacher to determine the level of students’ independence when performing their individual homework; technological problems that may arise at classes or at home due to outdated equipment, lack of the Internet or its speed, etc.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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