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information security
digital literacy
safety of vital activity
future teachers
platform Moodle

How to Cite

V. I. Bondarenko, “CONDITIONS AND TOOLS FOR DEVELOPING FUTURE TEACHERS’ INFORMATION SAFETY SKILLS ”, ITLT, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 294–306, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v74i6.2550.


The article is devoted to the research of the conditions and tools for developing information security skills that is relevant in the current conditions of the rapid development of information and communication technologies. The analysis of the scientific literature proves that increased amount of information and means of its transfer, as well as simplification of the access to different information sources and growing interest to using ICT in educational process cause the relevance of the issue. In the article the concepts of “cyber security”, “e-security”, “digital security” are studied through the detailed analysis that helps define the content of the term “information security”. The special attention is paid to the content of the information security skills that are divided into three groups: functional, communicative and critical thinking skills. It is noted that the condition of developing information security is the integrity of the content of information training and the aspects of information security, as well as the forms and means of its realization in the educational process. The author proves that the effective tool of developing information security skills is designing the learning environment in the tertiary institution. The author presents experience of implementing the course on the basis of platform Moodle, which is one of the most widespread in the universities of the country, safe and easily integrated with cloud services that gives an opportunity to create the repository of learning materials. While designing the learning module for developing information security skills, the following fact was taken into account: developing of the information security skills is the constituent element of future teachers’ professional training that’s why the solving of the learning problems require including students’ live and professional experience. In the article the experimental data, which confirm the effectiveness of the implemented module, are represented.

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