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information technology; professional training
psychological and pedagogical features
IT specialists
training strategies

How to Cite

O. V. Malykhin and T. M. Yarmolchuk, “TOPICAL STRATEGIES IN THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES SPECIALISTS”, ITLT, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 43–57, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v76i2.2682.


The article provides scientific and theoretical generalizations of psychological and pedagogical features of IT specialists training as well as complex diagnostics of their professional training process. On the basis of the analyzed and generalized results, the authors define and rank a set of training strategies and vectors of their implementation aimed at improving the efficiency of IT students’ professional training within the terms of providing corresponding didactic conditions. Attention is paid to didactic possibilities for implementing training strategies in the process of professional training of prospective specialists. Based on the information obtained by theoretical and practical means, the paper substantiates the need for the implementation of the study results in practice. Moreover, a strategic model for IT specialist training in the context of training strategies is formed. The implementation of the suggested model creates conditions for improving the quality of IT specialists training, because their condition depends on the information technology readiness, on the purpose for using a computer, on the type of professional activity. Developing a specialist's ability to understand and freely use information technologies for the sake of adaptation in a changing environment, increasing their own resources to solve new problems, one can get a specialist who is freely oriented on the labour market. Application of the study results in the process of IT specialists’ training will allow educators to take into account students’ individual psychological characteristics, as well as the specifics of concrete professional groups, to individualize the learning process in order to form professional independence, based on the implementation of modern training strategies. In terms of the prospects for further research the authors suggest that the ways of the formation of prospective IT specialists’ readiness for the implementation of individual training strategies in professional activity should be developed.

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