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electronic educational and methodical complex
information and communication technologies
physics training
modern didactic tools
cloud-oriented environment
classes of social and humanitarian direction

How to Cite

N. A. Myslitska, V. F. Zabolotnyi, and I. Y. Slobodianiuk, “ELECTRONIC TEACHING AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX IN PHYSICS FOR STUDENTS OF SOCIAL AND HUMANITARIAN TYPE OF STUDIES”, ITLT, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 42–55, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v74i6.3164.


In the article the authors describe the structure and content of the electronic educational and methodological complex for students “Physics: social and humanitarian direction of specialized education” in the form of a website. The complex was developed on the basis of application software, Internet resources and cloud services and is freely available. Examples of didactic and methodical materials of the complex are: materials for multimedia support of physics lessons, didactic tools based on cloud-oriented technologies for studying separate sections of physics, tasks for organizing independent activities of students in studying physics (historical and ideological character), tasks for online knowledge control, materials for the survey, survey and methodological tips for teachers. The authors theoretically substantiated the methodological feasibility of using Microsoft Power Point application software to develop multimedia accompaniment to the topics and sections of the high school physics course. It is proposed to include didactic tools in EUMK to increase interest in the study of physics (gaming - to repetition, consolidation of knowledge and self-esteem, word clouds to sections, highlighting physical phenomena and processes, physical quantities and units of measurement, mental maps for generalization of knowledge, repetition of educational material) based on Internet resources, in particular, Web 2.0 LearningApps, StudyStack, EDpuzzle, Kahoot, Quizizz, services to create a word cloud, memory cards. The authors selected interactive simulations and models that are appropriate to include in the system of didactic tools for organizing independent activities of students based on the analysis of the content of the phet.colorado.edu website and the 3D models of the Mozaik Education portal. Didactic and basic principles of organization of the electronic educational and methodical complex on the subject, which are the basis for the development of the author's complex, were highlighted. The offered complex has passed approbation in social and humanitarian classes of secondary education establishments.

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