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media education
media literacy
media education technologies
prospective elementary school teachers
professional training
new Ukrainian school
student competences
information media literacy

How to Cite

H. P. Vasianovych, L. D. Gerganov, and T. V. Beshok, “THE LEVELS FORMATION DIAGNOSTICS OF PROSPECTIVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ MEDIA LITERACY”, ITLT, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 108–125, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v76i2.3616.


The article reveals the results of the conducted diagnostic research, checking the level of formation of the prospective elementary school teachers’ media literacy. Single cases of introduction of media education technologies into the educational process as well as prospective elementary school teachers’ insufficient ability to critically analyze and verify information received from different media have been revealed. It has been found out that the curricula of higher pedagogical educational institutions do not envisage disciplines of media education, unlike higher educational institutions in Poland, where students study the course «Media in Education». The low level of prospective elementary school teachers’ media literacy as well as their inability and unwillingness to check the information received from different media in order to form their own critical thinking have been revealed. The essence of the concepts of «media education technologies» and «prospective teachers’ media literacy» have been disclosed. The pedagogical conditions of forming the prospective elementary school teachers’ media literacy have been determined. The components of media education technologies based on: media knowledge, media skills, media habits and media values have been schematically presented. The criteria of formation of prospective elementary school teachers’ media literacy have been determined: value-motivational, informative-cognitive, activity-practical and creative. The content of educational disciplines on «Pedagogical creativity», «Pedagogical ethics», «Technologies of social and pedagogical work», «Psychological and pedagogical training» have been supplemented with the content of media educational issues. Student surveys have been organized through the social network Facebook. Our own blog «Media Literacy» to raise the level of knowledge of young people in the field of media education has been created. Teaching aids «Media Literacy in Primary School» and «Media Literacy and Critical Thinking in Primary School» for elementary school teachers have been emphasized. The work with students has been aimed at developing materials of social networks, modern information and cognitive sites, on the basis of which the quests and trainings of current media education issues have been developed and implemented.

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