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visual culture
visual literacy

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The article highlights the creativity and features of the use of visual literacy, which has become relevant in the era of development of information and computer technologies, the introduction of which in education brings it to the level of modern requirements. The analysis of the «visual turn» is made; its result is a visual culture. In its context, a complex of scientific studies on visual problems is developing, the solution of which shows how to process visual information, the use of visual perception in the processes of education and communication, as well as argumentation techniques based on visual information. The influence of visualization on education, which is now based not on language, but on multimedia screen communication, which forms contemporary literacy, is emphasized. It is noted that the 21st century multimodal literacy, capable of quick and creative interpretation, means learning with its own design rules, aimed at real-time interactive communication, includes the ability to use media to trigger emotional reactions, and has the potential to change learning modes, methods, technologies, and forms. Key academic achievements of our time are indicated: digital age literacy; basic, scientific, economic, technological, visual, informational, multicultural literacy and global awareness; inventive thinking; effective communication; high performance. The article reveals the authors’ understanding of visual literacy as the way to perceive and use visual images, including the individual’s ability to think, learn and express thoughts in images. This means the perception of logic, emotions and meanings that are contained in visual information, as well as the ability to produce images in communication.

It is noted that visually literate pupils and students have practical knowledge of creating and reproducing visual information in digital media, and are also productive visual communicators who think in accordance with the demands of digital reality.

The visual orientation of modern educational and pedagogical practices is due to the development of information and computer technologies that generate screen-like reality.

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