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professional responsibility
factor-criteria model
characteristics of professionally responsible personality

How to Cite

O. N. Dubinina, O. A. Ihnatiuk, and N. V. Sereda, “THE PHENOMENON OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PREPARATION OF PROFESSIONAL LEADERS OF DIGITAL GENERATION”, ITLT, vol. 79, no. 5, pp. 325–340, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v79i5.3931.


Professional responsibility is significant in all areas of human activity. The dynamic development of society, its total informatisation, the growing demands of the labour market require an increased attention to this phenomenon during the preparation of a new leader-professionals generation in higher education institutions. The least developed areas of responsibility as a pedagogical phenomenon are the concrete specification of the responsibility concept in professional education, definition of its structural determining characteristics, etc. The most difficult aspect of this study was the fact that there is no consensus among the scientific psychological and pedagogical community of whether the professional responsibility is a personality trait, a mental set, a personality feature, a systemic quality, feelings or an attitude to the performed work, etc. The objectives of the article are the following: 1) to analyse the professional responsibility for a fundamentally new generation of leader-professionals training in the process of their education at a technical university and at the Leadership Center of NTU "KhPI"; 2) to determine the impact of personal responsibility on the formation of the leader position among modern specialist, which as a result made it possible to include this integrative personality trait in the factor-criteria model for the teacher as a leader-professional. To achieve the set goal, a number of theoretical methods have been used, namely analysis of the research state of the presented problem in scientific publications; generalization of domestic and foreign experience of responsibility formation among future professionals; study of the responsibility structure, indicators and criteria of its formation; analysis of basic terms and concepts as well as the relationship between them; method of comparative analysis; the selection of experimental data was carried out on the basis of testing with prior clarification of the feasibility of tests and questionnaires for use in evaluating the results of research in pedagogical studies. Statistical processing of experimental data was performed by using correlation analysis tools. The calculations were carried out with the support of the MathCad computer mathematics system and the Excel organizational program.

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