I. General statements
- The authors must get acquainted with and comply the ethics of publishing on authorship, conflicts of interest and materials dissemination; to avoid simultaneous submission of the same material to several publications, plagiarism, data manipulation, etc.
- Reviewers and editors are obliged to carry out the impartial expert review of manuscripts, observing confidentiality and pre-declaring the presence of conflict of interest.
- Editorial staff carefully considers all disputes and infringements, if necessary, corrects and taking out of materials.
II. General duties and responsibilities of Editorial Board
- The main standards relied on by the journal «Information Technologies and Learning Tools» are those developed by Committee on Publication Ethics (United Kingdom), by the publisher Elsevier (Netherlands), and other editorial associations and information systems.
- Editorial Board is responsible for the quality of content published in a journal.
- During the publishing process, provides technical and information support to users of the journal.
- Ensures the safety integrity of the submissions received.
- Ensures confidentiality of materials submitted to the journal for the entire editorial and publishing process, takes into account the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data" and the General Data Protection Regulation.
- Ensures that all participants of editorial and publishing process have received the necessary training and are provided with detailed instructions and guidelines for reviewing and work in the journal.
- Takes into account the comments and suggestions of readers, authors and reviewers on how to improve the work of the publication.
- Editorial Board quickly responds to any complaints on the work of the journal and guarantees a solution of the problem situations.
Cooperation with readers
- Editorial Board provides proper information sharing and distribution of a new newsletter published content to readers
- Ensures that all published scientific papers were reviewed by qualified experts.
Cooperation with authors
- Editorial Board provides authors with detailed instructions regarding the editorial and publishing process, informs the time of receiving materials and publication dates of issues.
- The authors are provided with detailed description of the review process, in case of any deviations from the described process, editors are obliged to provide an explanation to the author.
- Editorial Board defines the criteria for evaluation of materials and carries out the selection of reviewers for each manuscript.
- Sends to authors detailed comments of reviewers.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to minor literary editor and correction, while preserving the author's style.
- Editor decision of acceptance / rejection of the manuscript is based on its relevance, originality, relevance to the scientific direction and the requirements of the journal.
- If the manuscript contains many controversial factors (such as negative response of both reviewers about quality of articles, the article is not finalized by author, taking into account the reviewers' comments etc.), the editors can not approve it for publication.
- If the author disagrees with the editorial decision, it is declared the appeal mechanism to the Editorial Board of the journal (The review process. Appeal procedure.).
- At the request of the author the manuscript can be removed from consideration and archived in the journal (with the consequent possibility of recovery in the queue). To do this, the author should contact the editor with your request.
Cooperation with reviewers
- Editorial Board provides reviewers with detailed instructions on the work in the journal system.
- Editorial Board asks the reviewer to note the presence of a possible conflict of interest before he would agree to review the material submitted to him.
- Editorial Board asks reviewers to report all cases of plagiarism.
- Sends a message thanking the reviewers for their contributions to the journal.
- Ensures that all reviewers’ qualification corresponds to the level of professional edition, and if necessary, change their structure.
- Stops cooperation with the reviewers who provide reviews of poor quality or with a constant delay.
- Uses a variety of sources (not just personal contacts) to identify potential reviewers (specific databases).
- Ensures that the review process is fair, objective, unbiased and timely.
- Adapts the review process to the needs of reviewers and provides an opportunity for each of them to carry reviewing the most convenient way (through the journal or via e-mail).
- Confidentiality. Reviewers do not have the right to disclose the information specified in the manuscripts prior to publication.
Cooperation with the editors
Editorial Board is obliged:
- Provide new editors with detailed instructions on how to operate the journal system and features of the publishing process.
- Regularly review the body of the editorial staff.
- Continuously inform the members of the editorial staff about novelties.
- Provide clear instructions to the editors about their functions, powers and duties (supporting and promoting the journal).
- Periodically consult the members of the editorial staff, informs about changes in the journal policy, technical innovations and exchanges the proposals for the future functioning of the journal.
- Confidentiality. Editors do not have the right to disclose the information specified in the manuscripts prior to publication.
III. Status of the author
The list of authors should indicate the persons who have made a significant contribution to the scientific research presented in the article. Academic status, position, or other seniority should not determine the order in the list; the order of authors should indicate the relative leadership and value of the researchers’ contribution to this scientific work.
The author of the manuscript is a researcher who has made a contribution in all subsequent stages of the preparation of the article:
- the idea of conducting research. Statement of the problem and research objectives;
- the development of the concept and design of the manuscript, data collection, analysis and interpretation;
- drafting the article or its critical scientific review and correction;
- approval of the final version for publication.
Each author is responsible for the content of the article. If the work is produced by a team of scientists, authors must include a list of persons who meet the above criteria and add the name of the group.
Funding for the study or the general supervision of the work is not an authorship.
Replacing the authors. If in the period of time from the submission of the manuscript prior to its publication for any reason the list of authors should be changed, the author, who deposits the manuscript should contact the editorial office and indicate the reason for change.
IV. Conflict of interest
Conflicts of interest (CI) – these are the factors that negatively affect the objectivity, or can be perceived as interference in the process of peer review, editorial decision-making, publishing and presentation of the manuscript.
A conflict of interest may arise in relation to individuals or organizations, and is divided into the following categories (but not be limited to these):
Personal CI:
- Personal relationships (eg, friends, family members, current or previous managers, opponents) with persons involved in the supply or reviewing manuscripts (authors, reviewers, editors, or members of the editorial board);
- Personal beliefs (political, religious, ideological, etc.) related to the topic of the manuscript, may interfere with the objective process of the publication (in the stage of submission, review, editorial decision-making or publication).
Professional CI:
- The reviewer or editor is the author's colleague, who participated or observed the conduct of the study.
- Membership in organizations that lobby the interests of the author.
Financial CI:
- Research grants from various funding organizations: governmental, non-governmental, research or charitable institutions.
- Patent applications (actual or expected), including the application of institutions to which the author refers, and from which he can make a profit;
- Fees, gifts and favors of any kind.
- All persons involved in the manuscript, including authors, editors, reviewers and readers who comment on or evaluate the material, should report any conflict of interest.
- If, in the opinion of the editors, there are circumstances which may affect the impartial review of the material, the editors do not appeal to this reviewer.
- Editorial Board reserves a right not to publish a manuscript, if the conflict of interests declaredby author puts objectivity and authenticity of research estimation under a threat.
- If the editorial board will reveal a conflict of interest that has not been declared upon submission - a manuscript may be rejected. If undeclared conflict of interest is discovered after publication, if necessary, the article can be corrected or removed.
V. Access to and use of materials and data
The authors confirm that all the material presented in the publication will be distributed in the public domain and may be used by other researchers with a scientific non-profit purpose under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) with the obligatory indication of authorship.
Supportive data (data sets, software applications, photos, audio and video), covering and complement the content of the study, can be further placed in institutional repositories or on other online resources, you need to provide a link in the article. If the author is not able to take advantage of this resource, materials can be loaded into the journal as a “Enclosed files" when submitting the article (Step 4).
If the article describes a new software open source, authors should place it on a suitable resource and provide a comprehensive description of the used algorithms.
If there is a doubt in the authenticity of the data provided in the published article, and the material cannot be accessed, making it impossible to check them, readers can contact the editors to further contact with the author, test and make corrections.
On request, the authors must provide immediate access to all data and materials presented in the article, if it does not break rule of confidentiality, related to the anonymous questioning of people during research.
VI. Correction and texts addition
- If necessary, Editorial Board makes necessary changes and clarifications to the content, publish a retraction and apology.
- Editors can make minor changes (fixing small errors) and clarifying the content of articles that improve its content, but does not significantly alter its structure as a whole. To do this, send a request to the editor.
VII. Commenting on the published articles
- On the pages of published articles capable of being comment users (including undocumented). Editorial Board encourages users to post as many reviews on the published material.
- Editorial Board promptly reviews and responds to the justified criticism of the materials published in the journal, informs the authors of articles on the received feedback and requests to make a clarification.
- Commenting must have the character of a civilized scientific discussion: may contain clarifications and additions to the contents and results gained of particular article; arguments must be accompanied by a reference to published resources or contain exhaustive scientific justification.
- Comments otherwise (abusive and obscene language, ads and spam) will be deleted.
- User accounts that violate the above will be removed.
VIII. Manuscript submitted to several journals
When submitting, authors should confirm that the manuscript (or its modified version) at the moment is not sent for review and publication in another journal. If such work has already filed or published in another journal, the editors will not consider such manuscripts.
IX. Intellectual property
- Editorial Board responds to signals related to intellectual property issues, and is working on the prevention of potential violations of Ukrainian legislation on intellectual property and copyright.
- Editorial Board oversees research findings, which are published in the journal, have been implemented according to International documents and recommendations (eg, AERA and BERA for Educational Research).
X. Plagiarism
- The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in the articles, the accuracy of the names, last names and citations.
- The authors have responsibility for their presented materials In the case of finding out plagiarism in them.