The Editors accept theoretical and methodological articles concerning the journal's focus and scope. Manuscripts which do not correspond the main approach (ICT in education) or the edition's requirements can be rejected at the stage of initial review.
The Editors support international high standards of the peer review process transparency, therefore practice the double "blind" peer review: authors and reviewers do not know each other's names. Previously all of their personal information removed from the articles texts and files.
The submitted articles are sent for reviewing to two independent experts. The reviewers view the article's abstract, whereupon consent or refuse to review this material. In the case of refuse, other reviewers are appointed.
The reviewers consider the material and estimate its scientific level filling "Review Form", where specify their remarks and comments. Additionally, experts may upload files with corrections or materials which can be used for the revision of the article.
After filling the basic "Review Form" experts select one of the offered recommendations:
- Accept Submission – the article is ready for publication and accepted without changes
- Revisions Required – accepted, if the author takes into account the indicated remarks
- Resubmit for Review – need a revision and repeated reviewing
- Resubmit Elsewhere – the subject of the article corresponds to other edition
- Decline Submission – the article does not correspond to the requirements of the edition
- See Comments – choose in the case when none of previous recommendations is satisfied
On completion of reviewing process all corresponding information sends to the author. The author improves the article and uploads an updated version. If the article is not returned in 2 month or the editors are not informed about delay, the article is taken off from a turn and deleted.
The reviewers re-examine improved manuscript and provide a recommendation on the possibility of its further publication.