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Webometrics rating
web analytics

How to Cite

V. B. Vasyliv and L. I. Beztelesna, “WEB ANALYTICS AS A MEANS OF EVALUATION AND FORMATION OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF UNIVERSITIES OF UKRAINE”, ITLT, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 323–343, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v85i5.3918.


In today's information world, the activities of universities are demonstrated on websites, and the evaluation of indicators of their work and content allows to determine the competitive advantages and ways of their formation. Based on Webometrics rating and web analytics tools, a detailed analysis of the sites of selected Ukrainian and foreign universities for the first quarter of 2020 was conducted. 10 universities were selected for the study, including 5 foreign ones based on the principle of territorial proximity to Ukraine and national leadership, and five Ukrainian ones, four of which are leaders. According to the results of the rating, domestic universities are far behind not only the world leader but also the neighboring countries, which shows the insignificant competitive advantages of them in the global and regional scientific and educational space.

The results of the technical analysis of the sites showed that at the Ukrainian universities there is too low indexation of the sites, even in comparison with the foreign ones, which are territorially close, the gap is several times, and with the world leader - Harvard University – in thousand times. Among Ukrainian universities the leader is Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, whose indexation of the site is 1.5-3 times more than others.

An external audit of the sites showed that the total visits to the sites of the ten selected universities are smaller than the world leader. It has been proven that it is important to evaluate the amount of time users spend on sites and the number of site bounce times. To increase the competitive edge, universities need to increase the depth of site browsing, improve user-friendliness and ease of use, post interesting content, optimize pages and add interactive features.

An analysis of traffic sources showed that, to ensure its growth, Ukrainian universities need to increase the visibility of the site in search keywords. This requires building a broad semantic core , optimizing existing pages and creating new ones, adding quality and unique articles. The importance of links not only from other sites but also from social network users is pointed out. Universities have been suggested to fill sites with high quality search traffic. Determined that this can be a key indicator in evaluating the performance of marketing staff. Conducted demographic analysis of users that allow a deeper understanding of the audience and develop effective marketing and remarketing activities.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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