
electronic university
management system
educational program
informational electronic educational environment
information electronic management environment
educational program management module

How to Cite

Y. Palamarchuk and O. Kovalenko, “THE ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS”, ITLT, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 165–178, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v99i1.5474.


The article presents the research results of the electronic system for managing university educational programs (EP). The analysis of scientific works showed that higher educational institutions need the introduction of integrated information systems. Such systems are the technical basis of the electronic university and have functionality for managing education and providing communications to university management. An analysis of the main processes of EP management was performed, and interested parties, their roles, and participation in the methods were determined. The proposed mathematical model is the basis of management for introducing the EP, its development, and implementation control based on quality parameters. The software module is a part of the university's management process support system and the JetIQ of Vinnytsia National Technical University's (VNTU's) comprehensive information system. For the analysis of the subject area and the formation of optimal management processes, the methodological recommendations of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA), data export and import system for the Unified State Electronic Database on Education Issues, the experience, and recommendations of experts from the department of quality assurance of education of VNTU, experts and guarantors of educational programs were used. Precedent models are formed about such role scenarios – applicant, student, teacher, guarantor, management, expert, stakeholder (employer). Such models made it possible to create not only the software module for the management of educational programs (QEd – Quality Educational) but also to determine the conditions for publication on the main website of VNTU of educational programs and documentation of their development, syllabi on the foremost showcase and jet-sites of the department, to create scenarios for automatic quality control of the EP. The result of the creation of the software module for the management of educational programs is a system of structured information regarding the development and implementation of the educational program, which allows the guarantor and specialists of the department to ensure the quality of education by use special containers for documentation and interested parties to use public up-to-date information on the university's websites.




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Copyright (c) 2024 Євген Паламарчук, Олена Коваленко


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