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adaptive control
projection-grid method
nonlinear ordinary differential equations

How to Cite

T. D. Panchenko, I. A. Tuzova, V. V. Chelabchi, and V. M. Chelabchi, “SELECT NUMERICAL METHODS FOR MODELING THE DYNAMICS SYSTEMS”, ITLT, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 98–108, Jul. 2016, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v53i3.1387.


The article deals with the creation of methodical support for mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in elements of the systems and complexes. As mathematical models ordinary differential equations have been used. The coefficients of the equations of the models can be nonlinear functions of the process. The projection-grid method is used as the main tool. It has been described iterative method algorithms taking into account the approximate solution prior to the first iteration and proposed adaptive control computing process. The original method of estimation error in the calculation solutions as well as for a given level of error of the technique solutions purpose adaptive method for solving configuration parameters is offered. A method for setting an adaptive method for solving the settings for a given level of error is given. The proposed method can be used for distributed computing.
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