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research approach
computer model
program mean

How to Cite

V. M. Bazurin, “STRUCTURE AND INTERFACE OF PROGRAM FACILITIES FOR RESEARCH OF PHYSICAL PROCESSES ON COMPUTER MODELS”, ITLT, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 171–181, Nov. 2014, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v44i6.1137.


Research of physical processes on computer models is the one of ways of research approach in the study of general physics in pedagogical universities. The basic elements of software for research of physical processes on computer models are certain in the article: structure of program mean and feature of interface. The author offers his vision of structure of program facilities by means which the computer models of the physical phenomena and processes are realized: block of registration, block of entrance background check, block of design of physical process and block of results verification. A structure of this kinds of software is given, in opinion of author, is universal. The program facilities developed by an author are described in the article.
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