The article is devoted to the study results, which substantiates the pragmatic-holistic model of professional competence of builders and the possibility of online measurement of its metric indicators and indices, with the help of modern information technology. The professional competence measuring metric online indicators method validity and reliability as a percentage of the time norms of actions in the project team are substantiated theoretically. An algorithm for calculating indices as professional competence indicators arithmetic sum, taking into account their weight, determined by experts for builders, is proposed. This permits recruiters to determine and match the weights of the indicators in order to calculate the relevant indices. It is shown that these indicators are the norm corresponding percentages of average time spent for the action in the project team. Indicators titles are following: knowledge is a time for their search during performing tasks; skills is a time to complete tasks; intellectual abilities is a time for mastering activities, solving issues and generating ideas; communication skills is a time for team-interaction multiplied by the assessment of its effectiveness by team members. Professionally important qualities, namely, responsibility is an adherence to the schedule, independence is a time of receiving help, responsiveness is a time to fulfill wishes of a customer or team members, organization is a correcting drawbacks process, initiative is a time to implement ideas perceived by the team; focus is a time spent (on oneself help from the team members in mastering actions, on the functions - to perform one's function in the team, in general - to support team members). The research results practical significance provides the possibility of online measurement of professional competence of specialists, students and pupils to create their e-portfolio, purposefully manage the process of its formation and development, to recruit effectively online and to stimulate continuous development of professional competence.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Сергій Володимирович Охременко, Михайло Петрович Костюченко, Андрій Анатолійович Каленський