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flight operator manager
flight planning
electronic learning tools
electronic laboratory workshop

How to Cite

A. S. Tymoshenko, O. G. Danylko, and L. A. Saganovska, “DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF THE ELECTRONIC LABORATORY WORKSHOP ‘FLIGHT PLAN’ FOR THE FLIGHT OPERATOR MANAGERS TRAINING”, ITLT, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 109–136, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v81i1.3811.


The article deals with the development of an electronic laboratory workshop “Flight Plan”. The authors consider the feasibility and effectiveness of introducing electronic training aids into the educational process, since in the aviation environment there is a need to improve existing and create new electronic training aids in the field of flight planning and providing aircraft crews with the necessary information. The study finds that there is no electronic laboratory flight planning workshop to train future flight controllers. The stages of the creation and use of electronic learning tools are highlighted. At the design and development stage of the workshop, an algorithm was created to simulate the professional activities of the flight operator managers, a block diagram of the training process for future specialists was built, which should be implemented in a laboratory workshop. As a result of a system analysis, the requirements for the electronic laboratory practice “Flight Plan” are formulated, a diagram of the implementation of the components of the practice is presented, and the interface of the electronic training tool “Flight Plan” with the description of all its functions and capabilities is directly developed. In the course of an experimental study, which was carried out on the basis of Flight Academy of National Aviation University, the implemented functions of the practice were evaluated according to technical, technological, psychological, pedagogical, and design criteria. It is concluded that it is advisable to use electronic laboratory practice on flight planning in the educational process, since the developed electronic training tool allows you to simulate the professional activities of flight operator managers in various conditions, makes it possible to gain theoretical knowledge and gain practical experience on a chosen topic, and therefore improve quality of professional training of aviation specialists.

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