The article is devoted to the analysis of the processes related to the digitalization of the educational environment of general secondary education institutions through a survey of teachers and pedagogical specialists in 2023. The survey, organized by the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, revealed the problems and challenges faced by teachers today, during the period of martial law in Ukraine. The vision of teachers regarding tools, means and ways of using ICT in the organization of distance learning is presented. Monitoring the readiness of teachers to use ICT for distance learning, carried out for the fourth year in a row as part of the survey, made it possible to identify: the most popular digital tools (1), means and resources (2), problems and needs of teachers (3), to determine the level of digital competence through self-assessment (4), find out the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process during the war in Ukraine (5). The novelty of the research consists in taking into account strategic priorities during the questionnaire, in particular the Digital Education Action Plan for 2021-2027 (Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027), UNESCO and UNICEF initiatives developed by the world and European community, and the updated tool for self-assessment of the teacher's digital competence. created in accordance with the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens DigComp 2.0 and 2.1 (The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens). The summarized data of the survey of teachers in 2023 are given and the results obtained are analysed in comparison with the previous years 2022 and 2021. Conclusions and proposals regarding the monitoring of the state of readiness of teachers to use digital tools are outlined, which can be useful for training and improving the qualifications of teachers and heads of educational institutions, other key players in the field of restoration of general secondary education in Ukraine during the period of martial law.
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