The paper presents a current problem of training the future primary school teachers – their ability to interact with parents. The study argues that the most effective training for future specialists is reached by the use of modern interactive forms of work and information and communication technologies (ICT) during lectures, seminars and workshops. During the complex study of this problem, an in-depth analysis of the works by domestic and foreign scholars was carried out. The represented student survey helped to evaluate the scope of knowledge about the issue and corroborated its relevance and objectives. The presented results of the survey of students of the IV course of the specialty «Primary education» at the Pedagogical Institute of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University provided an idea of the scope and depth of knowledge on the identified problem. During the research we outlined some necessary components promoting readiness for teacher – parent interaction, among them cognitive, emotional, psychological, praxeological components and rhetorical skills. The results of the developed training system with the use of various interactive forms of work and ICT tools are presented and its efficiency tested and proved. The pedagogical study was carried out in three stages – the recording, forming and control experiment. The effectiveness of the developed system is reflected in the comparative table, according to the data of the questionnaire of the control group in the control phase of the study. The presented data testify to the necessity of additional measures aimed at increasing the readiness of future teachers of elementary school for pedagogical interaction with parents through means of information and communication technologies. The results of the study demonstrate the need to increase the rhetorical skills and the praxis component of the readiness of future primary school teachers to work with their parents. To achieve this goal it is expedient to introduce the proposed system of work with students in the educational process of institutions of higher education.References
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