The article deals with the theoretical analysis of the issue on distance learning and the implementation of the author’s course on teaching the Ukrainian language by means of LMS MOODLE. By examining the regulatory instruments which govern the essence, specifics and norms of distance learning, the authors define the terminological concepts of the research. A thorough study of distance learning issue allows the authors to identify its advantages and disadvantages, as well as previously unresolved parts of the general issue, namely the possibility for prospective primary school teachers’ distance learning through the prism of linguistics and didactics. Within the framework of the research, the distance course on teaching the Ukrainian language has been designed. The course addresses the needs of prospective primary school teachers. Its necessity is also highlighted. The article describes the procedure for the implementation of Teaching Literacy electronic module in the educational process of the Kherson State University. The developed module consists of three blocks. The theoretical block includes review lectures and the vocabulary of linguistic and didactic terms; the interactive block provides assignments for self-study; the control and evaluation block deals with automatically checked tests and their immediate evaluation. Based on the analysis of the students’ responses and the experience of distance course implementation, the authors come to the conclusion that distance learning provides a number of opportunities. They include working out a theoretical material, checking out a level of each student’s knowledge formation, providing feedback from the teacher, facilitating the diversity of methods, techniques, and forms of educational process, stimulating students’ innovative thinking, improving the ways of linguistic and didactic competence formation as well as increasing awareness of informational technologies in education.
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