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computer game
exposition and exhibition work of museums
exhibition project
professional competence
individual research assignment

How to Cite

S. V. Chybyrak, T. M. Trofimuk-Kyrylova, and M. A. Kyrylov, “THE EXPERIENCE OF THE USE OF COMPUTER GAMES IN PREPARATION OF THE FUTURE SPECIALISTS OF ‘MUSEUM, MEMORIAL SCIENCE’ SPECIALITY”, ITLT, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 301–313, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v83i3.3308.


This article analyzes the experience of using computer games in the educational process of higher education institutions based on the example of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University institutions during the preparation of students of 027 «Museum, Memorial Science» speciality. The computer games described («Minecraft», «Homescapes», «Designmyroom», «TheSims») were used by the students to create the exposition /exhibition project while performing an individual research in the course «Exposition and Exhibition Work of Museums». It is found out that during the preparatory stage of the project implementation it is extremely important to take into account the resources of the computer game chosen by the student and only then proceed to the stage of development of the scientific concept of the exposition/exhibition project. Based on the results obtained, it was found that computer game is effective in the teaching of individual disciplines, due to the possibility of students to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice, and the teacher, analyzing them, to identify and eliminate gaps in acquired by higher education curriculum applicants. This form of work stimulates the students' educational and cognitive activity, develops the creative skills necessary for the professional activities of the exhibitor, promotes the introduction of an interdisciplinary approach in the system of their preparation and forms the ability to make their own decisions. It also allows students to form professional practical competences of future bachelors, namely, the use of information and computer technologies in the work of specialists in the field of museum affairs and the protection and use of monuments. This can be realized through the use of a computer game that allows the student to go from the idea formation to its practical implementation.

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