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digitalization of education
distance learning technologies
information and communication technologies
information and educational environment
subject of improvement of qualification
digital competence

How to Cite

O. S. Solohub and V. V. Humeniuk, “TRAINING OF ANDRAGOGES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS USING DISTANCE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES”, ITLT, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 198–218, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v92i6.4528.


The article updates the issue of continuous training of andragogues (specialists in the field of adult education) to perform professional functions by means of distance learning technologies in the conditions of domestic educational reforms, digital transformation of education, the global pandemic of Covid-19 and the declaration of martial law in Ukraine. The areas of use of information and communication technologies in the process of professional development are summarized, the study of frameworks and standards of digital competence of teachers in Ukraine and the world is analyzed. In order to determine the functions of andragogues on the use of information and communication technologies in the conditions of open education, the main categories of andragogues of the professional development system have been singled out. The research in the field of psychological and andragogical features of the training of pedagogical workers in the process of professional development has been analyzed. The functions of andragogues and their role in the organization of the educational process by means of distance technologies were defined. The model and results of the experiment on the development of information and communication competence of methodologists of regional services as one of the categories of andragogues are highlighted. The process of training andragogues at the next stage - methodologists and teachers of institutions of post-graduate pedagogical education, as well as teacher trainers on the implementation of the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education - is described. Subjects of trainings, which were used to provide scientific and methodological support to andragogues, distance learning technologies used during classes, exercises for formative assessment and ensuring interactive interaction of training participants, materials of the author's You Tube channel "ICT in Education" are proposed. It is concluded that the readiness of andragogues to use distance learning technologies largely depends on the activities of post-graduate education institutions, academies of continuous development, therefore scientific and methodological support of andragogues should be continuous and meet the requirements of educational reforms and digital transformation of education. The authors see prospects for further research in the continued training of certain categories of andragogues, in particular in establishing partnerships with employees of centers for professional development of teachers on the development of their digital competence; implementation of continuous training of teacher-trainers, development of their skills of working with adult students online; training of teachers of postgraduate education institutions to create high-quality digital content for distance learning courses and trainings.

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