Geoinformation technologies are an important element of professional education for future geographers and are widely used in their training program, at the same time geoinformation technologies depend on the participants` technical support in the educational process, both in full-time education and distance learning. The article examines the specifics of the application of geoinformation technologies in the organization of distance learning on the example of certain disciplines of the curriculum of future geography specialists.
The article identifies the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning on the example of the disciplines “Fundamentals of Geoinformatics” and “Cartography and GIS” studied by the students of the Department of Physical Geography and Efficient Environmental Management of the Faculty of Geography at Uzhhorod National University. The absolute advantages of this studying format for teachers are the ability to freely choose the necessary materials, academic mobility and a fundamentally new educational space. Students have the opportunity to master new disciplines in more comfortable conditions for them and in compliance with the principles of equality. At the same time, distance learning involves a wide application of an individual approach to each student, taking into account, in particular, the hardware and software necessary to work with GIS technologies.
The main disadvantages of distance learning of the academic disciplines “Fundamentals of Geoinformatics” and “Cartography and GIS” are considered. The most problematic issue for all participants of the educational process is the technical and software support at home. The process of providing students with a licensed software product taking into account different levels of hardware (personal computers, laptops, tablets) is also resource-intensive. The lack of a social environment for students is another disadvantage of distance education.
Ways and means of overcoming the indicated shortcomings of distance learning of the disciplines “Fundamentals of Geoinformatics” and “Cartography and GIS” using the geographic information system ArcGIS are proposed. While forming the structure of the educational process it is necessary to solve the problem of hardware and software, form the information content of the courses and provide access to it. Google services and the Moodle platform can play an important role here.
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