The proposed article deals with the topic related to the introduction of STEM technologies integrated with ICT in the education system. The importance of the topic arises from the society demands for people who have scientific knowledge and experience in the sphere of technology and engineering. To accomplish the tasks of students’ preparation for living in the modern information technology society and provide them with the skills of the 21st century is possible only for the teacher who has such skills. A modern Physics teacher works in the educational environment, which is computer oriented. ICT means can enhance students’ skills in STEM education: problem and practical tasks solving, logical and critical thinking, technology literacy. The topic of ICT using in the STEM education is currently relevant. The article analyzes studies that consider the conditions for the introduction of ICT in STEM education in different countries. These studies testify to the high effectiveness of such integration. The conducted analysis gave an opportunity to identify modern approaches and offer methods of using computer-oriented equipment Arduino in the process of Physics teachers training for work in STEM oriented educational environment. As the main approach to student education, project technologies were chosen, implemented in the course "Modern Educational Technologies in teaching physics". In particular, it is proposed to use the Arduino platform in order to involve students in the implementation of various types of projects: from simple school physical experiments to original group projects. Studying according to the proposed methodology and qualitative analysis of its results showed an increase in the level of students' interest in mastering new technologies, the desire to use their skills in practical activities, the formation of critical thinking skills: the ability to pose a problem, process and summarize information, conduct group discussions, draw conclusions. At the same time, we found out that the implementation of STEM requires coordination of educational programs of various disciplines, provision of material resources, and development of educational programs for teacher training.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ірина Володимирівна Сальник, Дмитро Вікторович Соменко, Едуард Петрович Сірик