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pedagogical interaction
computer-oriented learning environment of the higher education institution
pedagogical conditions
efficiency criteria

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The article proves the relevance and topicality of creating a computer-oriented learning environment at a higher education institution. The problems of modern scientific researches dealing with the peculiarities of computer-oriented learning environment at the higher education institutions to develop the pedagogical interaction have been studied, as well as determined the main research areas and trends of this scientific issue. Some pedagogical conditions, including the creativity of teacher pedagogical activity; information competence of education process participants; pedagogical monitoring for the quality of professional specialist training; arranging the socio-psychological comfort for educational activities are considered essential to increase the effective pedagogical interaction among the educational process participants in a computer-centered educational environment of the higher education institutions. The results of modelling pedagogical experiment reveal the potential ways of implementing the examined pedagogical and educational conditions in the process of educational and professional communication. The peculiarities for developing the educational and methodical complex of academic course and training material are determined. The attention is focused on the possibilities for computer monitoring the student knowledge using software MyTestX. The study allows determining some efficiency criteria such as motivating, cognitive, and cooperative criteria required for the effective pedagogical interaction among education process participants in the computer-oriented learning environment at the higher education institutions with the corresponding high, sufficient and low levels of effectiveness within pedagogical interaction, as well as their relevant indicators. Methods for diagnosing the level of pedagogical interaction of education process participants under the conditions of a computer-oriented learning environment are analysed and chosen. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirming the effectiveness of the suggested pedagogical conditions to improve the effective arrangement of pedagogical interaction among education process participants in the computer-oriented learning environment of higher education institutions are presented.
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