The article deals with the concept of «electronic journal systems» (EJS) in foreign and domestic scientific discourse. Their basic types (proprietary, local, open, cloud) are considered. The definition of «electronic open journal systems» (EOJS) has been clarified. The key functional aspects that should be considered in selecting a software platform for moving the editorial and publishing process to the online environment are considered. The comparative analysis of the most common EOJS (DPubS, E-Journal, HyperJournal, Open Journal Systems, Ambra) is carried out according to the following characteristics: a) initial data, information on technical and project support; b) software and technical characteristics and features of the service; c) functional features. Each system is briefly characterized, taking into account the indicated characteristics. There are presented recommendations of the most appropriate tool that can be used by the research institutions and scientific publishers in supporting of electronic scientific journals, where the results of educational research are published.References
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