The article deals with the multifaceted analysis of the software and functional aspects of creating and maintaining domestic online encyclopedic resources. During the study, a quantitative analysis of the "Corpus of Encyclopedic Publications of Ukraine" content was carried out by presentation format, years of creation, and theme. 37 editions (online versions of printed encyclopedias or web-oriented ones) are selected. Their analysis was carried out according to such characteristics as functional features provided to users and software technologies used. The encyclopedias websites were scanned by profilers WhatCMS.org, BuiltWith®, and the Wappalyzer API browser extension. These resources provide information about the applied programming languages, libraries, frameworks, widgets, content management systems, wiki engines, etc.
The experience of Ukrainian researchers, publishers, and developers included the following approaches to the creation of online versions of paper encyclopedias: a) placement on commercial portals; b) on the institutions` websites; c) development of a separate website; d) creating a web portal with extended functionality and supplementary multimedia content, including the MediaWiki platform use. Deployment of web-oriented encyclopedias was carried out by: a) use of freely distributed content management systems Drupal, Blogger, WordPress, and domestic CMS SMEREKA; b) development of an encyclopedic site "from scratch" by frameworks; c) use of "wiki" software engines. The authors provided recommendations regarding the extended functionality of the site, tools for navigation, discussion, and distribution, information pages, articles’ information, and media resource support, which should be considered when developing an online encyclopedia in the field of education.
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