
teaching independent listening
listening log
self- and teacher-assessment

How to Cite

O. G. Kvasova, N. K. Liamzina, R. I. Radchuk, and Y. I. Trykashna, “TEACHING AND ASSESSING INDEPENDENT LISTENING IN AN ONLINE COURSE FOR TRANSLATION MAJORS”, ITLT, vol. 96, no. 4, pp. 105–120, Sep. 2023, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v96i4.5193.


The article presents methods of teaching and assessment of philology students’ independent listening in online instruction which has gained increased significance in the pandemic and post-pandemic times.  Independent listening is understood as listening to aural/video texts outside the classroom aligned with the curriculum. Basic principles applied in teaching independent listening include giving learners enough freedom for self-regulation, i.e., choosing a text and time for listening, self-evaluating results, and developing strategies for further learning with a teacher’s support for scaffolding learning. The current research is based on the findings of the preliminary study which provided information about the 2nd year students’ interests in topics and types of listening texts, the length of aural and video texts and frequency of independent listening sessions per week as well as the learning platforms they are familiar with. Built on these data, methods of teaching and assessment of independent listening were developed, with their effectiveness examined in this study. The intervention, conducted by the researchers, integrated traditional stages of teaching listening with a listening log used as a tool for guiding students’ reflection and self-evaluation. Logs/journals/portfolios belong to alternative assessments, which are still innovative and under-researched in language pedagogy, although reflecting the much-welcomed shift from assessment of learning towards assessment for learning.  The data obtained through listening logs were corroborated with the results of pre-and post-tests and the employment of another qualitative research tool – reflective Can-do statements. The findings prove that a listening log is efficiently integrated into the processes of teaching as well as self- and teacher assessment.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Olga G. Kvasova, Nataliia K. Liamzina, Roksoliana I. Radchuk, Yulia I. Trykashna


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