The article presents the results of an experimental study of the peculiarities of the organization of evaluation of the results of distance learning in Ukrainian schools under martial law. The research was carried out through a wide survey of school teaching staff using Google Forms technology. Attention is focused on clarifying the periodicity, methods and forms of current and final evaluation of the results of student learning in the conditions of distance education; identifying means and tools for evaluating the results of distance learning, which are preferred by teachers; elucidation of the peculiarities and main difficulties in the organization of the evaluation of the results of the students' education in the conditions of martial law; identifying changes in assessment procedures and approaches to choosing the means of its implementation.
The practical experience of Ukrainian teachers regarding the use of technologies and assessment tools during distance learning is summarized. The main difficulties that complicating the implementation of assessment procedures in wartime conditions are analyzed. The problem of reducing the success of students, the independent performance of educational tasks by students as a condition for ensuring the objectivity of the assessment of learning results has been updated. Attention is focused on the trend of increasing importance of assessment of learning results in the synchronous mode; the need to improve its means and tools in order to increase objectivity, prevent academic dishonesty, motivation for self-education and self-development; the expediency of developing special didactic support, focused on the systematic application by acquirers of the skills of analysis, synthesis, and creation of new knowledge.
The areas of improvement of the mechanisms of the organization of evaluation of the results of distance learning of students of general secondary education, the expediency of the development of digital literacy of teachers and students, the need to create didactic support for online learning integrated into a single educational and methodological complex have been determined.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Світлана Григорівна Головко, Юрій Олексійович Жук, Світлана Олександрівна Науменко