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information and communication technologies
information and communication competence
system of military education

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Criteria and indicators of information and communication competence diagnostics development of teachers in the system of military education are substantiated. The selection of the relevant criteria and indicators is made taking into account the specifics of implementation the teachers scientific and pedagogical functions with the use of information and communication technologies in relation to professional training of officer personnel in higher military education institutions, as well as research tasks set forth in our research. Taking into account the content and specifics of pedagogical activity in the system of military education, the peculiarities of teaching general-military and military-specific disciplines, five criteria are pointed out: value, motivational, cognitive, technological, functional and reflexive, which in full give the opportunity to cover the information and communication competence content and fully enough to diagnose both its formation and development. In particular, these criteria make possible to find out the values of scientific and pedagogical activity with the use of information and communication technologies and the motivation to develop the teacher’s information and communication competence who is as a subject of pedagogical being in the system of military education. Knowledge of the theory of information and communication technologies and methods of their application in the process of teaching specific educational disciplines in the system of military education; knowledge of theoretical foundations of analysis and decision making in military affairs; knowledge of technology for modeling processes, for example, organization and combat units and types of troops; knowledge of the theoretical positions of cybersecurity in the process of using information and communication technologies in the military sphere; knowledge of modern hardware and software; knowledge of software development tools; the ability of the teacher to systematically use information and communication technologies for solving various vocational and pedagogical tasks in accordance with the goals and methods of teaching specific general-military and military-special disciplines; the ability to develop and use modern hardware and software for the implementation of pedagogical functions and their verification for cybernetic vulnerability; the ability to develop information software for use in teaching specific general military and military-special disciplines; the ability to synthesize various software tools for improving the efficiency of scientific and pedagogical activities; ability to use ICT in scientific and pedagogical activity; scientific and pedagogical subjectivity and the ability to objective self-evaluation as a subject of the information society and pedagogical activity in the system of military education. It is shown that these criteria and their indicators provide the opportunity to obtain empirical data on the prediction of the results of our research and to find out the main pedagogical aspects of creating the author’s technology for the development of teachers’ information and communication competence in the military education system.
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