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webquest technology
activity approach in teaching
Ukrainian language

How to Cite

H. R. Korytska, “USING WEBQUEST TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE TO STUDENTS ON PRINCIPLES OF ACTIVITY APPROACH”, ITLT, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 66–75, Jul. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v65i3.1984.


The problem of using webquest technology in teaching Ukrainian language to students on principles of activity approach is considered in the article. The didactic components have been grounded as follows: terms (teacher professional competence and his/her readiness to participate in innovative process, learning and teaching support, learning research by students, problem searching abilities and skills); principles (activity, continuity, integrity, problem, minimax, psychological comfort, variation, creativity, technologies, innovative); methods (such which support a language learning, stimulate and explain educational activity, control and self-control); techniques (formulation of problem, goals determination, motivation, supposition, clarification, specification, grouping, analysis, comparison; generalization, prognostication, exposure of cause-and-effect connections, formulation of conclusions); selected stages (adjusting-motivational, functionally experimental, forming searching-productive process, actually searching, creative, resulting); educational activities (determination of purpose of search, creation, analysis of problem; development of matrices of situations and others). The author finds out the terms «activity», «webquest technology» from the point of view of realization problem searching, research activity of students of basic school which is provided by independent decision of practical problems, interest to subject, student’s intellectual development and leads to forming of educational-cognitive, valued oriented converting, communicative acting environments. It is characterized the experience of using webquest technology in school linguistic education, in particular during the «Language-quest: In search of phraseology treasures» project activity.
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