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educational and cognitive activity
research activities
blended learning
electronic training course
model «Station Rotation»
mind maps
virtual board

How to Cite

H. V. Tkachuk, N. M. Stetsenko, and V. P. Stetsenko, “ORGANIZATION OF COGNITIVE, TRAINING, RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS IN CONDITIONS OF BLENDED LEARNING”, ITLT, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 274–287, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v83i3.3494.


The article substantiates the approaches to the organization of educational, cognitive and research activities of students of higher educational institutions in conditions of blended learning. It is determined that blended learning as a form of training organization combines traditional and e-learning technologies and provides for traditional classes in the classroom, the organization of various types of activities using distance learning technologies. In conditions of blended learning and use of information technology, the organization of educational and cognitive activities should be considered in the framework of the corresponding online environments, which can be divided into categories. In particular, depending on the purpose of their use, the following tools are distinguished: management of educational activities; presentation of training materials; organization of feedback of participants in the educational process; monitoring, control and evaluation of performance; organization of other types of activities (individual, group, collective). The authors proposed the use of an educational electronic course as a platform for the publication and presentation of educational material, tasks for students, the present of result of student's work, as well as the organization of certain types of activities (work with a glossary, discussion on the forum), evaluating the results of students' work etc. E-learning course also served as a starting point for access to outside online services that expand the range of tools and, thus, complement the types of educational, cognitive and research activities. The paper describes the organization of such types of activities as «Creating mind maps», «Collective assessment of mind maps», «Working with a glossary», «Activities in master class» involving tools from both an electronic training course and external online services. The organization of research activities is described on the basis of the blended learning model «Station Rotation», which provides for a change in the modes of activity: traditional in the audience and electronic (computer-oriented, distance, mobile etc). There are various modes of education, but the organization of a distance mode is the required element in the model «Station Rotation».

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