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research work
applicant for higher education
future computer science teacher
information and communication technologies
ICT competence

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The article is devoted to determining the levels of competence in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for the organization of future computer science teachers' research work at the final stage of the pedagogical experiment. The appropriate level of the investigated competence can significantly improve the future computer science teachers' research work arrangement and contribute to the student's scientific development and their adaptation to educational technological changes. The analysis of the available information and communication technologies makes it possible to identify the following types of means for the future computer science teachers’ research work arrangement: means of searching, storage and placement of scientific materials; ICT tools for collaboration; ICT tools for materials verification of performed scientific works; means of checking software code for plagiarism; ICT tools to support experimental research activities; ICT tools to create demonstration material. The characteristics of ICT for the research work arrangement are formulated: individualization of scientific work; search activity optimization; creation of the electronic course by the scientific supervisor, etc. The conducted scientific analysis of the literature the forms and stages of research work have been determined. The paper presents the definition of "competence in the use of information and communication technologies for the research work arrangement of future computer science teachers". It is presented the author's methodology which contributes to increase the level of formation of competence in the use of ICT for the organization of research work of future computer science teachers.  In the course of the research, the criteria (motivational, effective-cognitive, adaptive-reflexive) and indicators for assessing the level of formation of competence with ICT for the organization of research work of future computer science teachers were determined. The levels (elementary, basic, sufficient, high) and indicators of formation of the studied competence are specified. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the author's methodology. The following directions of scientific research on the presented problem have been identified.

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