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psychological support
elderly person
age peculiarities of mental development in advanced maturity
video content

How to Cite

O. V. Ivanova, O. M. Ihnatovych, K. V. Kotun, and O. H. Kovalenko, “VIDEO CONTENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR THE ELDERLY AND THEIR FAMILIES ON THE INTERNET”, ITLT, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 234–247, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v84i4.4462.


The article presents materials of modern research on audience video content using, created to promote the development of an elderly person who is in difficult life circumstances associated with restrictions due to quarantine. Staying in such circumstances the elderly people need the help to overcome difficulties connected with such limitations through the organization of their daily lives, the involvement of the elderly in various activities and their training on how to influence their relationships and emotions. For this purpose, 10 videos have been created and distributed via the Internet for the elderly and their families. They are aimed at psychological education providing recommendations for maintaining a stable mental state of the elderly under the quarantine; familiarization with action plans in cases when an elderly person is a victim or witness of domestic violence, falls ill or needs medication as well as providing information on where to seek help in such situations; informing the aged about activities that they can perform at home under the quarantine; creating awareness of the importance of physical activity in advanced maturity, outlining ways to maintain and support physical health; providing information on difficulties in communication between grown-up children and elderly parents, promoting the development of effective interaction skills with people of this age; familiarization with the specifics of communication with elderly people, the development of the skills of communicative interaction with them; informing about communication opportunities for the aged under the quarantine restrictions; helping elderly people in interaction with grandchildren through shared hobbies and communication on various topics; motivating the elderly to improve their lives. Using video content, including 10 videos, which were created with the purpose to support the elderly and their families psychologically and were posted on social networks, provides the opportunity to reach the target audience, contributes to psychological enlightenment and enhances the adaptive abilities of a personality.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 О. В. Іванова, О. М. Ігнатович, К. В. Котун, О. Г. Коваленко


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