
electronic portfolio (ePortfolio)
English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
professional identity
communicative competences

How to Cite

O. Polyakova, “E-PORTFOLIO IN STUDENTS’ LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, ITLT, vol. 96, no. 4, pp. 1–14, Sep. 2023, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v96i4.5238.


Enhancing technical education by connecting sustainable development goals within the English for Specific Purposes framework requires motivating the professional advancement of students. Therefore, choosing an engaging active learning tool becomes one of the most crucial components of this process. Our understanding of ePortfolio as an all-inclusive and sustainable toolkit to provide non-native English speakers with new sources of professional growth and self-esteem has evolved into the current study's didactic and research scenario. The monitoring of 18 experimental group members while compiling individual electronic portfolios in English helped us explore their progress in terms of both linguistic and professional proficiencies. For this, qualitative and quantitative tools gathered learners` perceptions that were later analysed by statistic and sentiment analysis software. As a result, a visible improvement in B2 mediation, B2 reading and B2 writing communicative competences was detected; a collective awareness of a quality professional background presentation is another outcome of the study. A few technological means in the ESP and research context supported those achievements. The blended focus of this exploration might interest L2 practitioners and educators who are hesitant about involving measurements and analysis tools in their practice. By embracing the two-fold paradigm described above, we now understand that research happens while we are teaching. The study's results show how a method for teaching and researching English backed by technology may be applied in real-world settings. We expect this experience will motivate future efforts to combine the SDGs and ESP in higher education. Quality language instruction may serve as the cornerstone of future professional success while addressing the pressing demand for long-term adaptation to meet engineering specifications.



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