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computer-oriented learning environment of an Institution of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
pedagogical experiment
training teaching staff
information and communication technologies

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In the research the methodology and the results of pedagogical experiment of purposeful development of computer oriented learning environment of an Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education are represented. The results of the pedagogical experiment have proved an increase of the level of efficiency of educational-cognitive process, sufficiency of ІCT-structure and listeners’ ІCТ-competence, first of all, through the increase of the level of ІCТ-competence of academic group of workers of an Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education within the authorial course “Usage of ICT in professional activity of academic and administrative workers of an Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education”. The basic context, forms, methods and technologies of lessons of each of the modules of the above mentioned course are specified.
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