In the article the researchers are exploring the integration of traditional and distance learning methods identified as a result of quarantine measures during the coronavirus in high school. The main complex contradictions are revealed. Methods and decisions of a complex problem are developed. The tendencies of the development of distance education are researched. Scientific assumptions about an educology methodology are formed. Main stages of modern educational technologies in universities are defined. The study of integration processes between traditional and distance learning is carried out. The relations between subjects and objects of the university department are learned. It was revealed that the structure of the educational process is complicated due to the use of mobile means of communication and distance forms of educational communications in it, which leads to a change in teaching methods and forms. The features of the learning processes of modern students have specific features now. The necessity of using mobile devices and new software is analyzed. Attention is drawn to the fact that not all teachers are well versed in modern means of online group communications. The basic means of group communications such as: Moodle, Zoom, Skype, Teams and others, providing remote communication of students and teachers are analyzed. The features and specificity of these means of communication are considered. Their possibilities are being studied. Results of reengineering studies at the department are presented. The results of testing student training based on modeling methods are presented too. A digital platform of knowledge models, which consists of two components is created and used. The first component is an interconnected set of models of academic disciplines developed by teachers, and the second component is the knowledge models of these disciplines that students create during their studies. Teaching methods based on integrated intelligence during pandemic in universities are made. Ways to improve learning technologies based on the use of integrated intelligence are proposed in high school.
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