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branch of knowledge electrical engineering
information and educational environment
general technical disciplines
pedagogical technology

How to Cite

V. V. Oliynyk, O. M. Samoylenko, I. V. Batsurovska, and N. A. Dotsenko, “INFORMATION AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FOR TEACHING GENERAL TECHNICAL DISCIPLINES TO BACHELORS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING”, ITLT, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 259–273, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v83i3.4373.


The article presents the technology for studying general technical disciplines by bachelors in electrical engineering in information and educational environment. The concepts of pedagogical technology and information and educational environment are considered. It is determined which disciplines are general technical and the acquisition of which competencies is ensured in the study of the disciplines under consideration. The stages of implementation of the technology for studying general technical disciplines by bachelors in electrical engineering in the information and educational environment are described. These include the development of educational programmes, the introduction of an information and educational environment, the passage of the program of preparation and implementation of control tools by higher education applicants. Means, methods and forms are presented for the study of general technical disciplines by specialists in electrical engineering, namely: lectures with interactive support, online manuals and tutorials, virtual laboratory works, presentations for classes in general technical disciplines, video lectures, online conferences, digital online calculators, educational computer interactive simulators, collaborative training in general technical disciplines in mobile applications, virtual models and online laboratories, two- and three-dimensional graphics and modelling, forums and webinars, online practical work, educational practices and engineering course projects in an information and educational environment. The result of the implementation of the proposed technology is the mastery of general technical disciplines in an information and educational environment by bachelors in electrical engineering. The results of the study show that the technology of studying general technical disciplines by bachelors in electrical engineering in an information and educational environment is effective and is able to increase the level of knowledge in the designated disciplines, allows combining classroom and distance work, and improves skills in modern information environments.

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