
informational stress
principles of e-learning
e-learning tools
employees who work remotely
distance work
psychological program
distance postgraduate education

How to Cite

O. Pinchuk, N. I. Pinchuk, O. I. Bondarchuk, V. V. Balakhtar, and K. S. Pavlenok, “USING E-LEARNING TO PREVENT INFORMATIONAL STRESS OF EMPLOYEES WORKING REMOTELY”, ITLT, vol. 98, no. 6, pp. 177–189, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v98i6.4689.


The article deals with the problem of remotely working employees' informational stress caused by crisis conditions in Ukraine. The article analyzes the features of e-learning important for preventing informational stress among remotely working employees. The following specific features of informational stress, by their information impact, are highlighted: 1) features associated with information overload, 2) features associated with human interaction with information technology, and 3) features associated with professional activities.

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the psychological characteristics of employees with a conventional mode of remote work and the employees with a forced remote work mode due to crisis conditions (Covid-19, war, etc.).

Based on the results of the interview specially designed by the authors, the factors that, according to employees, contribute to the emergence and development of informational stress have been identified. It was found that informational stress has a complex negative impact on the life, work and social contacts of employees who work remotely. There are statistically significant differences in gender, age, organizational and professional factors in stress development between employees with a conventional mode of remote work and employees with a forced remote work mode due to crisis conditions (Covid-19, war, etc.).

The psychological principles and conditions of the enactment of e-learning, aimed at preventing informational stress among remotely working employees, have been determined. The authors present an e-training program aimed at preventing informational stress among remotely working employees. The stages of the program implementation are characterized and the most appropriate e-learning tools at each of these stages are indicated. According to the results of the approbation of the program, it was established that the e-learning program can be useful in the distance postgraduate education of specialists.



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