The article substantiates the concept and necessity of the development of the STEM-education ecosystem in the conditions of continuous labour market changing, the risks posed by the world's fourth industrial revolution, determining its impact on the educational process in today's realities. The authors study the theoretical foundations of the concept of ecosystem, interdisciplinary approaches and features of the introduction of integrated STEM-education in the educational process. The paper also analyzes the components of the educational ecosystem and proves that they all directly affect the quality of STEM subjects. The authors conducted a survey to identify the ways to develop the components of the ecosystem of STEM-education, which involved 105 respondents, students of pedagogical specialties of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and teachers of general secondary education in different regions of Ukraine. The analysis shows that the successful implementation of STEM-education, involving all components of the ecosystem, involves the development of scientific education, in particular, the introduction of research and cognitive learning (inquiry), the method of educational projects and the use of digital technologies in education. Process skills which are developed during research and cognitive training are described; examples of tasks for formation of basic and integrated skills in organization of scientific process are given. The features of educational projects method as one of the keys to the development of scientific education are described, and changes in the students’ behaviour during its application are identified. Based on the study, the authors identify groups of digital tools that are necessary for the development of the ecosystem and will help increase the efficiency of the educational process, make STEM learning interesting and productive. The examples of digital resources are given and their role in the development of the STEM education ecosystem is described.
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