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digital competence
innovative technologies
interactive poster
digital technologies
scientific poster

How to Cite

S. M. Romanov and O. V. Kytsan, “DIDACTIC POSSIBILITIES OF USING AN INTERACTIVE POSTER IN LEARNING FOREIGN LITERATURE”, ITLT, vol. 95, no. 3, pp. 58–76, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v95i3.5167.


The article examines the features of using an interactive poster in the educational process of a modern secondary school. The idea that the study of humanitarian (philological) disciplines, in addition to basic competencies, can and should be developed in students and skills related to the information and communication sphere became the basis for the research. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to check the effectiveness of using an interactive poster during the study of foreign literature courses in secondary education institutions.

Analysis of relevant services that can be used to create interactive posters (Glogster, Genial.ly, Smore.com, Picktochart) led to the choice of the Thinglink service. The selected service has the ability to combine images and interactive videos, pictures, music, text content and other tags. The article offers a method of creating an interactive poster designed for foreign literature lessons on the topic "Modernism". The algorithm of this work is revealed through the peculiarities of the basic didactic interaction "teacher - student", where the emphasis is placed on the personality of the student. It turned out that the poster provides not only professional competence in literature and the information and communication sphere, but also involves intermediality as one of the modern ways of studying literature. In this direction, the possibilities of electronic posters and posters are compared and delimited.

It turned out that the interactive poster is an extremely effective way of visualizing information - a very important way of learning about literary phenomena. Structurally, it is built on the basis of a central image, to which calls to other objects are attached: text files, web resources, multimedia objects: video, audio, slide shows, presentations, game tasks, surveys, etc.

The use of interactive posters in foreign literature lessons is an important tool for intensifying the process of learning about the writer and his artistic world (especially in the not-so-simple area of ​​text analysis). It is important that such work reveals the creative potential of students, especially when they are directly involved in the creation of electronic posters. Such work is suitable for high school students, as well as participants in scientific thesis defense competitions at the Small Academy of Sciences, city and regional competitions, scientific tournaments, reading competitions, etc.

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