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information and communication technologies
network technologies
mobile devices
analytic geometry and linear algebra
future teachers

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The article offers the ways of modern information and communication technologies introduction in the process of teaching the discipline «Analytical geometry and linear algebra» for future teachers of physics and computer science. The authors highlight the actuality and experience of using information and communication technologies of training, innovative approaches to the organization of educational process in high school and determine the types of information and communication technologies of teaching analytic geometry and linear algebra at the pedagogical university. The possibilities of network technologies use in the process of teaching analytical geometry and linear algebra are considered, as well as determined advantages of their use for students’ in-class and out-of-class work. The authors demonstrate the ways of organizing students’ educational activity using the applied software for carrying out self-checking tasks correctness. It is presented the form of interactive learning with the use of AS Gran 3D, which effectively influences on the future teachers training and highlighted the advantages of using mobile technologies for checking students’ knowledge. The peculiarities of using mobile technologies in the process of preparation of future teachers of physics, computer science are pointed out. In particular, it is presented an example for testing students’ knowledge using the Plickers program which makes it possible to assess the level of students’ knowledge quickly. The examples show different ways of applying information and communication technologies, the use of which in traditional training contributes to the activation of cognitive activity of students, motivates them to work independently. It is noted that the educational process of using information and communication technologies of teaching intensifies students’ educational and cognitive activity, promotes the development of creative abilities and leadership qualities, forms the autonomy in gaining new knowledge.
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