The paper considers the role and place of digital competence of educators, modern requirements, and peculiarities of digital competence formation under the conditions of intensive development of digital technologies. State-of-art approaches to the description of the content and structure of the digital competence of educators with taking into account the pedagogical aspects of the digitalization of educational activities are considered. The importance of finding and implementing practical approaches in the preparation of students of the speciality 014 Secondary Education (Informatics) to foster the skills of conscious and didactically balanced integration of digital technologies and tools into the educational process, with the aim of creating a stimulating educational environment, has been considered. The paper analyses several theoretical models of integrating digital technologies in the educational process (TPACK, SAMR, TIM, PICRAT), and characterizes their key characteristics and features of use in the practice of training future computer science teachers. The structure of the model of integration of digital technologies in the educational process PICRAT is described in detail, and the advantages of its use in the practice of pedagogical activity are determined. The PICRAT model takes into account the impact of digital technologies on the educational process in terms of replacement, amplification and transformation and determines the levels of student involvement when using digital technologies - passive, interactive and creative. An approach to the implementation of the PICRAT digital technology integration model in the system of training students of the speciality 014 Secondary Education (Informatics), consisting of target, content, procedural and result components, is proposed. The content of each component is disclosed in detail, and examples of the selection of digital tools and pedagogical practices for each level of the PICRAT model are given. Examples of the application of the PICRAT model for particular digital tools and selected tasks of computer science are given.
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