The constant development of digital technologies requires continues growing of the professionalism of IT company specialists. Maintaining the competitiveness of IT companies occurs through the continuous implementation of non-formal education of personnel and has the necessary support both from the side of business owners as well as directly from the side of IT employees who are investing their own earns and time into self-education. The article presents a detailed description of the author's proposed model for ICT project management in the process of non-formal education of IT company specialists. Analysis of the domestic and foreign experience in building the models and designing the educational environments has been performed. Provided model is shown schematically in the form of assembled blocks and components with description of all its important elements. As a required part for understanding of actual necessity, the list of prerequisites that influenced the establishment of the goal has been determined. The pedagogical approaches used in the study were identified and described. In accordance with the goal: ensuring the necessary level of professional competence of IT company specialists involved into the project management process, the set of goals has been formed for each of the corresponding stages of the pedagogical experiment. In particular, there were four stages on forming of necessary competencies defined with using of mass open online courses: "Leading People and Teams Specialization" by University of Michigan, "Engineering Project Management Specialization" by Rice University, as well as the author's course "ICT Project Management". Forms of training organization were described, as well as methods and means of training are proposed and described in the article. It is also highlighting criteria, relevant indicators, and levels of formation of professional competencies. The authors see the prospects for further research in the implementation of the developed model, the development of a general methodology for the use of ICT project management, as well as the study of its pedagogical expediency.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Іван Іванович Рантюк, Тетяна Анатоліївна Вакалюк