This article aims to analyze the potential applications of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model, specifically ChatGPT, in remote programming education for students specializing in Computer Science. Drawing from contemporary research, the authors explore the relevance and necessity of employing artificial intelligence and chatbots, using ChatGPT as an example, in higher education to enhance learning efficiency and sustain students' interest in the subject. Given the global changes in education due to the COVID-19 pandemic and military aggression, the article analyzes the potential challenges of remote learning and its impact on students, with a focus on programming education. The authors thoroughly analyze the outcomes of previous research, highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of using ChatGPT in higher education. They pay special attention to the analysis of potential risks and challenges associated with the use of ChatGPT in the educational process, including ethical aspects and confidentiality. The article provides suggestions for further research, encompassing a deeper analysis of the consequences of implementing artificial intelligence in the field of education, the development of strategies to address confidentiality issues, and the exploration of optimal approaches for preparing educational institutions for the integration of artificial intelligence technologies into the educational process. Additionally, the authors outline approaches and methods that can be utilized to enhance programming education based on ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence technologies. The main outcome of the article is the identification of the promising use of ChatGPT in programming education for computer science students and the highlighting of paths for further improvement of distance education in this context.
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