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information and communication competence
cloud-based learning environment
Bachelor of Computer Science

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The article clarifies the concept of "information and communication competence of bachelors of informatics on the use of the CBLE (Cloud-Based Learning Environment". The criteria (value-motivational, cognitive, operational-activity, research, didactic), indicators and levels (low, medium, sufficient, high) of the formation of IC competence are specified. It has been established that for increasing the IC-competence of the educational process participants it is necessary to conduct additional electives and (or) special courses. As a result, to improve the content of the bachelor's degree in computer science it was designed the CBLE for use it in the educational process of bachelors of computer science, as well as selected cloud-oriented training facilities that are expedient for application in the process of bachelor's studies in computer science; the content of disciplines directly related to programming ("Programming", "Java programming", "Web programming", "Programming technologies", "Selected issues of computer engineering") has been improved, for the use of CBLE when studying different those disciplines. Forms, methods and means of using the CBLE in the preparation of bachelors of informatics have been developed and implemented. The optional "Cloud technologies in education" was developed and introduced, which included acquainting with the peculiarities of using different cloud technologies in the educational process of bachelors of computer science for formation of their IC-competence on the use of CBLE, as well as the educational-methodical complex of the discipline "Cloud technologies in education" for masters of computer science. The analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment has been carried out, indicating an increase in the level of formation of the students' IC competence in using the CBLE, and, consequently, on the pedagogical expediency of introducing the methodical system of using the CBLE in the preparation of bachelors of computer science.

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